In April 2019, Japan introduced the "Specified Skilled Worker" residency status as part of a new policy, allowing foreign workers to enter the country for the first time under this category. The plan is to accept up to 345,000 workers over five years. While this number isn't shocking, Japan's future deepening population decline will undoubtedly necessitate an expansion in the acceptance of foreign workers. The new policy represents a historic turning point for Japan. The policy's key aspects include creating a new residency status for employment with a maximum stay of five years, opening pathways to permanent residency for those who pass certain tests, and addressing the comprehensive needs of foreign residents. However, concerns remain about labor law violations and the quality of support provided by registration support organizations. The current Technical Intern Training Program and its potential restructuring are also under scrutiny, alongside the need to improve transparency and support for foreign workers to prevent urban migration and ensure regional revitalization.